As financial experts who specialise in the translation and editing of magazines, we at EnglishBusiness are particularly glad about our recurring collaboration with the GoingPublic capital market magazine. After translating the special “Capital Market Switzerland” issue in the summer, our editors recently worked on the English version of the November issue of Plattform Life SciencesCircular Bioeconomy. Just in time for the end of the COP26 Climate Change Conference in Glasgow, you can read many interesting articles on the bioeconomy here.

GoingPublic Magazine

GoingPublic is required reading for investors in the German capital market. For more than 20 years, it has reported on topics relating to IPO investor relations as well as the development and background of legal issues. In addition to GoingPublic Magazine, GoingPublic Media AG also publishes HV Magazine and the aforementioned Plattform Life Sciences.


Life sciences, also known as biosciences, are a group of disciplines that are concerned with all living things. In addition to traditional fields such as medicine, pharmaceutics and specialist fields of biology, life sciences include nutritional science, food research, bioinformatics, agricultural technology and various interdisciplinary projects.

The current edition of Plattform Life Sciences, which deals with the bioeconomy, was published just in time for the end of the COP26 Climate Change Conference. Since this topic is of global interest, we were delighted to be able to provide GoingPublic with our expertise for the English version of the edition.

EnglishBusiness AG has been a recognised expert in the translation of IR and financial communications for around 25 years. If you too would like to expand the reach of your communications with a professional English translation, contact us!

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