7 ways to improve your out-of-office responder
Photo credit: Michael Haslim
Our business English trainers get a lot of questions about how to write an accurate out-of-office responder. It’s such a big topic because this one single email could go out to hundreds of (potentially unknown) clients and partners. I’ve seen more than my fair share of English errors in out-of-office responders. As with all emails, take your time when writing it, and have a colleague double-check it, if possible. Not only can poor English be embarrassing for you, it can also confuse your reader and be bad for business. Understanding what you should and should not do when writing an out-of-office responder in English can save you from embarrassment and miscommunication.
1. Get straight to the point
If you’re like me, you probably don’t have much time to read every single email in depth. By keeping your out-of-office responder short and sweet, you’re saving yourself and your recipient time and effort. Some people don’t even bother opening out-of-office responders! This is why you should put all the necessary information in the subject line, e.g. “On holiday until 30 August 2018”. Bam! Even though you’re on holiday, you just saved a colleague, partner or client valuable time