Content creation and Language Services

Entrust your copy to our expertise

Content creation and language services done with experience.

Your texts are in good hands with us, whether you need editing and improvements on existing copy or the creation of new content.

Our experienced writers and editors offer comprehensive services, including proofreading, galley proofs, corporate glossaries, and language style guides to ensure the quality and consistency of your written communication.

If you are planning to publish an article or blog post, our English and German language specialists are ready to assist you!


Our text services go far beyond translations. Our editors will work on your texts until they meet the highest standards in language and terminology.

  • Proofreading: Better safe than sorry! Your written communication represents your company to clients and partners. A proofread prevents typos and inconsistencies in terminology and ensures that original texts and translations are up to standard.
  • Galley proof reviews: Once a text is printed or published, mistakes can become costly. A galley proof will eliminate errors in spelling, punctuation and line breaks and is a worthwhile investment.
  • Transcreation and copy-editing: Marketing and PR texts require more than correct language and terminology. This is why our editors adapt the tone and feel of these texts or translations to the cultural idiosyncrasies and standard of your target audience.
  • Corporate wording glossaries: Consistent terminology will improve the clarity and recognition value of your corporate communication. We analyse your company’s messaging and create a valuable bilingual resource for your internal and external communication.
  • Corporate language style guides: Consistent corporate language requires informed decisions on linguistic preferences, spelling and style. With our almost 25 years of experience, we will consult with you on difficult decisions and create a useful reference document for employees and external providers.

Certified quality

Our translation department has been certified according to the ISO 17100:2016 standard since November 2018.

Proofreading – Double-check to be sure

Is your primary concern that your text uses correct punctuation, spelling, grammar and word choice? Then proofreading is the revision service for you!

This covers the basics of correctness. We also offer comparative proofreading of original and target language documents. We can ensure that the final version of your translated text corresponds with your original in all respects, whether linguistic, stylistic or technical. Place your trust in our experience and expertise.

The linguistic quality of your existing translation may be such that proofreading and editing would be a highly time-intensive and expensive process. If this is the case, we will suggest that you commission a completely new translation from us, which may well be a more cost-effective option.

All translations prepared by EnglishBusiness are proofread and checked thoroughly by a second native speaker. Maintaining and monitoring the use of terminology from one translation project to the next is also part of our translation service and is included in the translation price.

Galley proof reviews – adding the finishing touches

With this service, we check your typeset documents (“galley proofs”) before they go to print for spelling errors, typographical mistakes and incorrect word breaks. After all, such oversights can always slip into texts during the layout process. We make our changes using the digital correction functions in the PDF document so you avoid the embarrassment of printing and publishing materials that contain errors. More extensive linguistic changes (e.g., restructuring sentences, changing terminology, etc.) are not included in this step. For these kinds of corrections, we ask that you make use of our copy-editing or proofreading services.

Galley proof reviews are primarily intended for annual and quarterly reports, brochures, catalogues or employee magazines that you want to print or publish.

Copy-editing – making your texts shine

Is your text already in English? Then check out our copy-editing service.

Do you have important English-language documents that need to impact a specific target group in the UK, USA or elsewhere? Or maybe your German colleagues have drafted English documents, and you want to ensure that the final versions sound like they were written by a native speaker.

Much like transcreation, copy-editing involves rewriting for a defined target audience. Give us your text in English and complete a short briefing, and we’ll deliver an English document written in a style and language that your target group will find compelling.

With our expert team of native speakers, we’ll make sure that your message reaches your targeted audience.

Transcreation – above and beyond translation

Transcreation is our newest and most dynamic product offering. More than just a freely translated text, transcreation can also include new copy and content that has been culturally adapted for your intended target audience. Primarily used for marketing texts, where a particular word or slogan may not resonate with your target audience, transcreation ensures that the message is localised for the audience in question. This stage is carried out after the initial translation of the source text has taken place.

So how does it work?

Before starting the transcreation process, our project managers get a briefing from you detailing:

  • Where the text will be read (printed ad, billboard, website text)
  • Who the intended audience is and where they are located
  • What the purpose of your text is (to inform, to entertain, to persuade, etc.)
  • What reaction your text should trigger

After that, our in-house team of experts can get to work on creating your copy!

Corporate wording glossaries – your corporate identity in action

In an ideal world, your website, marketing brochures and financial communication would all use the same language, strengthening your corporate identity – even in translation. The problem in many companies, however, is that texts are produced by different departments and by many different people. Different language preferences and views of the company can lead to inconsistencies.

This is why your employees need a guideline to apply whenever they write in the name of the company – this establishes a corporate language for everyone to follow.

Our solution

We recommend the creation of a bilingual corporate wording glossary that expresses your specific company language. Your glossary can be used as a guideline for all texts written in your company – for example, as a dictionary or wording list for internal or external communications. You can even share it with trusted business partners.

How we work

Via a specially designed questionnaire, we learn about you and your company, examine your requirements for the glossary and look at your existing approach and documents. Our team of experienced linguists then begins work on your terminology, drawing up a dual-language word list. In a consultation session, we discuss potentially problematic terms as well as the optimal usage and possible applications of the glossary. Your completed corporate wording glossary is finalised following a feedback round with you before final delivery.

In this step we can also agree on a suitable set of style guidelines, should you so wish. As language is always evolving, we recommend our glossary support service described above for the maintenance and further development of the glossary.

Corporate style guides – for confident writing

A linguistically consistent public image contributes hugely to the success of a company. If you are responsible for internal or external communication where you work, you might wonder how you can unite the many different styles and spellings used by your colleagues and translators.

A consistent linguistic guideline

We can support you in communicating the values and unique selling points of your company to the outside world via a uniform style guide for your corporate language. We compile a concise style manual to be used as a reference by all the company’s employees, as well as by partners and external service providers, such as translators and graphic designers, when producing texts. This style guide records useful information like correct grammar usage, preferred spellings and writing formats, and the less well-known particularities of your sector’s terminology. We can create these style guides either in connection with a corporate wording glossary or as a stand-alone product.

Your contact person:

Sabina Lilic

Get in touch with Sabina:

Phone: +49 (0)40 650 5253


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